
Sunday, June 22, 2014


Tim and I recently attended the third annual Junkstock Festival, whose slogan is Peace. Love. Junk.  It is a three day sale at an old Dairy farm in West Omaha with live music, food trucks, and hundreds or vendors selling anything and everything vintage, antique, rustic, rusty, junky, architectural, and awesome. We loved it!

photo from the junkstock facebook page
visit their website for more info:
Click the link to see some shots I took of the day....


We had seriously a lot of fun. Parking was a zoo from the rain, it was hot as heck, but still a great time. Here's what we scored that day  :)

A shiny bicycle rim, adorable apron, shabby little cabinet. I intended to get more, but there was so much stuff, it was just overwhelming! Plus, there is always next time.  Junkstock is back in October!

Stay tuned to see the plans for the cabinet and the bicycle rim  :)

Kenz and Tim

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see you guys there!! Glad you had a great time..
