
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

a retro kitchen addition

A couple of weekends ago, Tim and I went to a sale in Goehner, NE at Plainview Vintage and Thrift. The owners were clearing out garage space for new goodies. Tim and I scored some goodies of our own. Behold: a gorgeous set of fabulously vintage canisters!

seriously, the perfect addition to our kitchen!

I had been wanting to get a set of canisters for our kitchen. It was one of my main reasons for going to the sale to begin with. These my friends, are so beautiful to me. The scoop I already had, but it seems to fit with the canisters. I haven't decided if I am going to fill them or not; I probably will, except that I don't drink coffee, and don't drink much tea. We shall see!

Tim and I also picked up a couple chairs to add to our dinette set! They are a tiny bit on the rough side, but we paid $10 for both of them, so, score. The one pictured has a rip in the vinyl and the other has some nicks on the seat. To me, it adds character.

Have you noticed? I truly cannot resist yellow.

Another thing I want to say about going to the 'junk' sale is, Tim and I had a blast. It was so much fun looking at everything, finding things we both liked, and deciding what we had to take home.  I had been following Plainview on Facebook for awhile, pining over the awesome pieces they had. So, when the owner Leah posted about a garage clean-out sale, I knew we had to go. Luckily, Tim was into it too, and he and I had a great day together, just the two of us  :)  I wish we had gotten a picture of us that day. We also bought two set of school lockers, a couch, a hanging fruit bowl, and a few other odds and ends.  I'll post about them later!

I leave you with a link to a blog article by The LifeStyled Company about how to thrift, junk, and garage sale. The LifeStyled Company: HOW TO THRIFT, JUNK & GARAGE SALE!  Good tips!

P.S. Leah Daehling is also the owner of the Etsy shop MoxieThrift. Check it out here!


  1. GAHH! SO nice of you to post this!! and AWESOME to hear "the other side" of the day. It was our pleasure to host you both and so happy you found so many goodies!!

  2. You're welcome. I am sure more people came across my blog by me posting it on your fb than will find your etsy shop/facebook from seeing it on my blog ;)
